Merry May

Merry May has lived in Tuckahoe, NJ for nearly all of her life.  She has been a quilt maker since the early 1970s and became a quilting instructor in 1988. She is also a lecturer, designer, author, quilt historian, curator, mentor, and fabric & button hoarder. She has designed and written instructions for over 45 patterns of Merry Mayhem’s Mystery Quilts, which have been enjoyed by quilters worldwide since 1994.  She is the co-author of the “Insider’s Guide to Quilting Careers” which is published by and has had many of her quilts published in magazines and books. Her work is in public and private collections worldwide. Merry has been involved with and has made several quilts for The Advocacy Project since 2015. Merry’s most recent two quilts for the Advocacy Project include blocks by Middle Eastern refugees from Iraq, Syria and Palestine (Fifth and Sixth Quilts) as shown below. In her “spare time” she manages a local cemetery, and owns two tons of buttons (no, really!).