Vaccination Heroes

We are proud to dedicate this page to the scores of volunteers who have helped our partners in Kenya, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Bangladesh, Nepal and India to vaccinate vulnerable people against COVID-19 since 2020. The partner organizations are: the Kangemi Advocacy Self-Help Group in Nairobi, Kenya; the Gulu Disabled Persons Union in Gulu, Uganda; Women Advocacy Project in Harare, Zimbabwe; the Subornogram Foundation in Narayanganj, Bangladesh; Backward Society Education (BASE) in Nepal; and Jeevan Rekha Parisad (‘Lifeline’) in India. Armed with campaign tee-shirts and flyers, these dedicated advocates secured 5,393 vaccinations by the end of 2022, excluding Nepal. If we include the campaign in Nepal, which was carried out by BASE in 60 villages, these six AP partners have secured well over 10,000 vaccinations for marginalized communities, and strengthened them against future medical emergencies at a total cost to AP of $12,718. Our profound thanks to them all.