Simran Sachdev

Simran Sachdev (Women in Black Network from Serbia): Simran earned her undergraduate degree from New York University in Communication Studies. She then worked in Online Marketing for over three years. At the time of her fellowship, Simran was pursuing a Master’s Degree from New York University in Global Affairs with a concentration in Human Rights and Humanitarian Assistance. After her fellowship, Simran wrote: “The experience has made me more aware of how I live my daily life and how the little actions I take can affect the world at large (such as wasting food, wasting money, taking things for granted, etc.). (But) I have realized that it is really difficult to change the way people think, which can be a large barrier to change.” Before starting her Master’s Program she worked in Online Marketing for over three years.


04 Aug

I decided to spend this last weekend, my last weekend in the Balkans, exploring Kosovo.  For a brief background on the politics surrounding the relationship between Serbia and Kosovo, please refer to my previous blog post.

It was a great feeling going from Serbia, a country where Americans are not very well-liked, mainly due to the bombing campaign coordinated by NATO, to Kosovo, a country where Americans are LOVED. I actually don’t think I’ve ever been to another country where Americans were so highly regarded.

I could feel the love even through a music video I saw on one of my many bus rides of the weekend.  Behind the singer, three flags were displayed: from left to right they were Kosovo, Albania and the U.S.

Here’s a quick photo summary of my weekend in the country.

Pristina - View of Pristina, Kosovo.

Mitrovica Bridge - This is a bridge in Mitrovica that dividies the Albanian side of town from the Serb side of town.  On either side of the bridge the flags, languages and currencies are different - Albanian and euros on one, Serbian and dinars on the other.

Mother Teresa - While Mother Teresa was born in Macedonia, her parents were of Albanian origin.

Serbian Flag - Serbian Flag hanging on the Serb side of town in Mitrovica.

EU - Political graffiti is common all around the country.

Self-determination - Political graffiti stating "No Negotiation, Self-determination."

NEWBORN - The NEWBORN sign in downtown Pristina  - this was erected right before Kosovo declared independence.  At first I thought all the writing was graffiti, but it's actually people's signatures.

Destroyed Homes - In 2004, riots erupted against Serbs in Prizren, Kosovo.  These are remnants of destroyed Serb homes.

Destroyed Homes 2 - Broken windows in a destroyed Serb home.

Destroyed Homes 3 - Barbed wire around a destroyed Serb home.

Destroyed Homes 4 - Inside of a destroyed Serb home.

Mosque - A mosque in Prizren.

UNMIK - Building for the UN Mission in Kosovo.

KFOR - The Kosovo Force is a NATO-led force in charge of keeping security in Kosovo.

Bill Clinton Boulevard - There is a huge picture of Bill Clinton on Bill Clinton Boulevard in Pristina.

Posted By Simran Sachdev

Posted Aug 4th, 2009

1 Comment

  • Laurie Cohen

    August 4, 2009


    Amazing photos, please post more! I am so curious as to what Kosovo looks like. Safe travels back to the states.


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